
Hard Rock And Deep Soul

By the mid 1960s there was a renewed desire among musicians and fans alike to rediscover the grittiness that had made blues-derived music attractive to start with. Performers with a passion for the roots of rock and soul began taking the world by storm with some much more savory music.

Bands like The Rolling Stones, The Who and The Kinks pioneered and popularized hard rock while singers like Aretha Franklin, Wilson Pickett and James Brown did the same for deep soul. These new sub-genres were to have a massive and long-term impact on the development of future genres. There have also been plenty of artists to continue producing this music. Thin Lizzy, ACDC, Aerosmith and Guns 'n' Roses have continued the hard rock tradition while Tina Turner, Al Green, Steve Winwood and Sonia Dada have done the same for deep soul.